Saturday, 4 June 2011

Five Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

If you are planning to exercise and gain back the pretty shapes, here are some tips which really help a lot of people to start and keep up with the activity losing weight and getting back in shape:
  • Sport almost always requires a partner. One might not plan to play soccer or basketball, but even simple jogging brings more fun when done with a friend, family member or even neighbor. Remember, that positive emotions are very important in sport. It is also recommended to have a partner in case of weak days. Everybody has times when they want to quit or at least skip one workout, this is the time when a partner is the best stimulant to get up and go even in the day seems windy, rainy and dark or the couch feels too comfortable to be left alone.

  • Competition is another important factor in sport and it also requires a partner. If you have a friend who plans to lose some weight too, keep the charts together and see who does a better job. Sometimes you can find groups of people working on weight loss together. Competition with them will provoke you to do a better job.

  • Make a schedule. It works towards several things: schedules are harder to give up and it is easier to remember the sequence of different activities if they are well set and written.

  • Achievable goals are easier to go to. Maybe the end result should be 10 or 20 pounds, but this is not what one should start with. Think of one pound at first. Intensiveness or length of exercises can also be your goals. Success will help you work toward a greater goal.

  • Think of a gift for achieving the goal. Food should not be one of them because this is exactly the thing that you are trying to reduce. Visit a movie theatre, buy a flower or call your friend and spend a whole evening talking.

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